Who am I?

My story needs to be shared for my sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who Are You?

"This is not the end of you"...

That was all I needed to hear from Him.

That morning was like any other. I woke up from my sleep, reminding myself to dress fast otherwise I would have reached the station late and forced to squeeze in the train. Little did I know that that morning, 17th July 2007 was the turning point my life.


It was THE turning point of my life.

So what is it about?

This story is real beyond any doubt. I will share all of it, every detail if my memory serves me well and in a frequent manner

By God's grace, I have a job now so posting will be often but on random days

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